Which Paper and Ink to Use for High Quality Prints at Home

Which Paper and Ink to Use for High Quality Prints at Home

What kind of paper and printer should I use to print out my family tree notebook pages?

Part of my genealogy notebook system involves taking the digital pages I create on my iPad and printing them out to add to my “real” notebook. I used to just print the pages out on standard letter paper but I found out that changing the paper actually makes a huge difference in how the prints come out, especially when it comes to printing copies of photos or other images I need to be high quality.

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The best thing for photos would be to always use photo paper, but letter sized photo paper is pretty pricy and it isn’t practical for a notebook that you can also write in and carry around. The compromise I’ve found has been to use a heavier weight paper in 100 brightness. I started with 32lb paper but 28lb paper turns out copies that are almost as good and the 28lb paper is more affordable, especially when you buy a box at once.

As far as ink goes, I use a professional HP printer (not as expensive as you’d think, really!) and I pay $10 a month for an ink subscription that lets me print up to 300 pages per month. There are smaller subscriptions but between the genealogy pages and all of the stuff I print as a mom, I actually come close to 300 most of the time and $10 a month is a lot less than I used to spend on ink.

The printer is also connected to the HP service so when the ink is low new ink is shipped out automatically and usually arrives before I need it, which means I never have the problem of suddenly being out of ink with printing to do. I’ve been on the service for a little more than three years and I recommend it to everyone!

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