Using eBay for Family History

Using eBay for Family History


EBay can be a wonderful resource for genealogists. Among the many family history treasures you can find, try searching for:

  • yearbooks for your ancestor's time in high school
  • maps, postcards, and souvenirs from the towns/cities your ancestors lived in
  • military histories
  • military honors and pieces of uniform
  • photos
  • family bibles
  • family genealogies
  • heirlooms
  • letters
  • diaries
  • church histories
  • out of print books

If you're having trouble finding anything with your family's surname, try searching for the surname plust the hometown or location your ancestor spent time in. I would also look for your ancestor's first and last name in quotations, such as "Lemuel Lane". Even if nothing comes up, you can save the search and eBay will email you if anything matching that name is listed. This is a great way to keep tabs on photos, diaries, and property that may surface.


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