8 Genealogy Resources You Might Not Be Thinking Of
1. You need a paid subscription to use but I consider them my favorite genealogy resource. In addition to marriage announcements and obituaries, you can often find letters to the...
8 Genealogy Resources You Might Not Be Thinking Of
1. You need a paid subscription to use but I consider them my favorite genealogy resource. In addition to marriage announcements and obituaries, you can often find letters to the...
List of Living History and Open Air Museums in ...
It’s Pioneer Day in Utah, which is a state holiday that celebrates the heritage of the settlers who came here in the 19th century. We have parades and fireworks and...
List of Living History and Open Air Museums in ...
It’s Pioneer Day in Utah, which is a state holiday that celebrates the heritage of the settlers who came here in the 19th century. We have parades and fireworks and...
Family History: Oval Portraits that Have Convex...
For as long as I can remember, there’s been a large oval portrait hanging in my grandmother’s house. They’ve always had a number of photos up and this one blended...
Family History: Oval Portraits that Have Convex...
For as long as I can remember, there’s been a large oval portrait hanging in my grandmother’s house. They’ve always had a number of photos up and this one blended...
10 Ways to Save Money on Genealogy
1 /// Take advantage of free websites. There are a lot of websites that offer access to historical records at no cost. The one most commonly used for genealogy is probably...
10 Ways to Save Money on Genealogy
1 /// Take advantage of free websites. There are a lot of websites that offer access to historical records at no cost. The one most commonly used for genealogy is probably...
I Don’t Know How to Start My Genealogy
When I ask people why they aren’t doing their genealogy, the most common response is that they don’t know where to start, followed closely by “I don’t have the time”...
I Don’t Know How to Start My Genealogy
When I ask people why they aren’t doing their genealogy, the most common response is that they don’t know where to start, followed closely by “I don’t have the time”...
Are DNA Ethnicity Estimates Accurate?
When you get your DNA tested by a commercial testing service, you receive a percentage of “what you are”. My percentage is something like 37% Chinese, 26% British, etc. But...
Are DNA Ethnicity Estimates Accurate?
When you get your DNA tested by a commercial testing service, you receive a percentage of “what you are”. My percentage is something like 37% Chinese, 26% British, etc. But...